On May 11, our partner Jean-François Tossens was invited to speak in Abu Dhabi, alongside reputable practitioners from many different countries, at the conference “Civil Law Concepts in Focus: A Colloquium on Good Faith and Contract Interpretation in MENA and Beyond”. This Colloquium, which aims to be an annual meeting for sharing knowledge and experience, provided a comparative approach of essential concepts of civil law, such as good faith and the interpretation of contracts, also in the context of arbitration proceedings. Thank you to Lara Hammoud and Carine Dupeyron for having trusted Jean-François for sharing a Belgian practitioner’s viewpoint on these essential topics!
On 15 September 2022, Jean-François Tossens has been elected President of the Board of Francarbi, an international arbitration association bringing together French-speaking practitioners and aiming at promoting cultural pluralism in international commercial arbitration.
The next day, a one-day “Atelier” was held at the hotel Amigo in Brussels, co-organized by Jean-François Tossens and Teresa Giovannini, with topic « The financial aspects of arbitration ». This “Atelier” was attended by around thirty prominent international arbitration practitioners, of more than ten different nationalities. The works of this “Atelier” will be published, as for the previous editions, in the “Revue française de l’arbitrage“.
Thank you to all attendees for their active and relevant participation and good luck Jean-François for this new mandate!
We are very proud to share that, after five years of existence, our boutique law firm has been largely recognized for its expertise in several international rankings and legal guides for 2022, both in arbitration and dispute resolution:
– Chambers and Partners has ranked Jean-François Tossens (Band 2) and Sophie Goldman (Up and coming) in Arbitration. Jean-François has been prayed for “his intellect and his organisational skills that really make him stand out”, while Sophie has been described as follows “very pragmatic, clever and she gets straight to the point while being able to handle each problem you have in a smooth manner”
– We also entered The Legal 500 (Legalease) ranking as a “Firm to watch” in Dispute Resolution
– We have been recognized by Leaders League as a “Highly recommended” law firm in Commercial Litigation, and as “Excellent” in International Arbitration
– Finally, Who’s Who Legal recommended both Sophie and Jean-François as “Global Leaders” in International Arbitration
We take this opportunity to sincerely thank our small but brilliant team as well as our clients and peers for their positive feedback!
Latest publications
note sous Trib. Entr. du Hainaut, division Charleroi, 28 mars 2019, RDC 2022, à paraître
In Liber Amicorum Xavier Dieux, Larcier, 2022
In Liber Amicorum Paul-Alain Foriers: entre tradition et pragmatisme, Bruxelles, Larcier, 2021